Contact Me By E-mail
To be honest, I don't check e-mail every day (especially during the school year), but I do check it regularly.
Drop me a line at [email protected].
Please note: I get a lot of requests for shares of items I've put here via my Google Drive. Many school e-mail admins do not allow anyone outside of the district to share anything to a district account. So if you've requested a share and haven't heard from me within a day, assume that that's what has happened. You can send me your personal e-mail address to get around that.
Drop me a line at [email protected].
Please note: I get a lot of requests for shares of items I've put here via my Google Drive. Many school e-mail admins do not allow anyone outside of the district to share anything to a district account. So if you've requested a share and haven't heard from me within a day, assume that that's what has happened. You can send me your personal e-mail address to get around that.
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Is There Something You'd Like to Share with the Class?
I've shared, so now it's your turn. Do you have a great idea/book/lesson plan/counseling activity you can pass on to the rest of us? Have you got an amazing modification or improvement to any of the ideas here? Please enter it in the comments below. Seriously. I need adult interaction.