Last year, as you may recall, I had THE BEST time teaching in the Extended Year Program. I was given a class of ten boys entering grades 3 and 4. I was asked to run a "social skills" program, but beyond that was given almost total autonomy. Since most of the boys were either highly anxious and/or on the spectrum, I wanted to incorporate a lot of Social Thinking and Zones of Regulation concepts. I figured a superhero theme would be perfect.
And it was. The kids had a blast, I had a blast, and the parents loved it. If you missed it, you can read about it here. This summer I decided to use the same theme, though I've been given a much different population (K-2 kiddos, most significantly behavioral). I was going to tell you more about this but it turned into a teensy rant. Let's just say that---as is almost always the case---the sequel will probably not be the blockbuster mega-hit the original was. Anyway, this brings me to the main reason for this post... I made some "caught being super" coupons to encourage kindness, flexibility, effort, etc. Click on the picture above, or here, and help yourself. The file also has black and white versions in case you don't have a color printer. Enjoy your summer! I'll check in later and let you know how mine turned out.